Select Rx Global Mail Order Program

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What our customers are saying

happy people

Real Customers. Real Savings.

Since I take many medications and some of them are quite expensive, the ability to get some of those meds on the open market has saved me hundreds of dollars per month, and I really appreciate the effort and the kind telephone communications that I have.

Larry, AR

This is the best place to get high dollar prescriptions. They are so nice on the phone if you need to call them. I have used them for two or three years. Amazing how much more reasonable they are. From $576 locally to $175 for my COPD medicine

Walter, TX

They really came through for me when it came to my Otezla. Such an expensive medication for something so necessary to help prevent constant pain, but now I can afford my medication and live a much better lifestyle thanks to them.

Rosalie, NY

My family has saved hundreds of dollars over the last few years. I save approximately $400 on a 90 day supply of just one prescription. Efficient and affordable service. Have recommended the service to family and friends.

Bob, NJ

I have multiple medications and going through their online ordering has reduced my out of pocket by 70 to 80%. This is annual savings in excess of $4,000.00. Huge! Their process is simple and straightforward. Kudos!

Gil, GA

When I began using birth control, my insurance covered all of my costs. However, when my parent started a new business, I got taken off the health insurance. I found out that I would have to pay $600 a month for my prescription. With your help, I can get the exact same prescription at only $133 for three months without the hassle. Thanks!

Morgan, SD

I saved 64% on a medication that would have cost me $235/month at the cheapest price in the US.

Gene, WI

My medication is not covered by insurance companies. On a three month supply, I save almost $200! I'm so happy that I was referred to you. You have made it affordable to me to continue my regimen.

Carol, NJ

I love ordering my medicine from here as it is so easy to do and always receive my medications on time. The prices are awesome!! Can't beat it!

Beckett, SC

They saved me lot of money on my script for Xarelto. Instead of 1200 dollars every 3 months I paid a little over 200 dollars. A big difference when you are not working!!

Barbara, NJ

My family has saved thousands of dollars on medications prescribed for me to treat acne and migraines not covered by United Healthcare. This program is a blessing and anyone needing help with high medication costs needs to know about this INCREDIBLE resource.

Claire, IA

My medication was costing me $1200.00 per month! If it wasn't for them I would not be able to function in my daily life. I can not express my gratitude.

Greg, AZ

My family has insurance through United Healthcare and I was prescribed a medicine Relpax 40mg after trying Imitrix the preferred brand on United Healthcare's Migraine formulary and continued to experience migraines. 6 tablets of the generic version of Relpax 40mg cost over $400 and through your website, I was able to get 36 tablets of Relpax 40mg tablets for $154.68. This would have cost my family over $1,000 easy. Thank you again.

Todd, IA

I retired early. After Cobra expired and before Medicare, I am in a pickle to fill my prescriptions. Went to my local pharmacy and the pricing was astronomical, the lines were a mile long (only pharmacy in my small rural town), as well as delayed in availability of my prescription. It was very frustrating and disheartening. I found this website and not only is their pricing competitive and affordable, their customer service representatives were patient, kind and very helpful. They walked we through the website and showed me how to find my prescriptions at the best price. The icing on the cake is I get a 90 day supply shipped directly to my home.

Sherry, CA

I really enjoyed using your services. I found the process to be exceptionally efficient and the people easy to get along with. The medication ordered worked just as well as the one I previously used and would gladly recommend you to anyone who asks. Thank you very much for providing such a wonderful resource for people who would like to save $ on their prescriptions without sacrificing quality. The best always.

Dan, FL

It was indeed more than I expected both in Price and Speed of Service. I save close to $1000.00 on Entresto plus the delivery time was much much shorter than one would expect from India. To top that off, my medication came from Novartis and Switzerland, repackaged in India and sent to me. The reminder was very helpful. Have since reordered and it came just as fast. Keep up the good work.

Richard, MO

They literally saved me almost $1,000 on a 2-month supply of a prescription drug I need for quality of life purposes. So glad I found you. Thank you.

Terry, NJ

They saved me a lot of money on my Advair Prescriptions. I am so thankful for them, it's beyond words. I am a Senior Citizen on a limited income. Thank you!

Sharon, PA

I used your services 3 times and was very happy with the professionalism, customer service and most important the savings on my meds.

Michael, NY

Before I got this, I had not been able to afford my medication. I had gone through a number of insurances with the same result. After 2 months they'd refuse to pay even partial to my medication. I was constantly going off it to try another insurance. Now, I have finally been able to take my medication for the last 3 months straight. I am so thankful I was able to find this.

Melinda, PA

I would like to thank the team for assisting me at a time when I needed to identify savings on a very expensive medication. My doctor prescribed XIFAXAN 550mg which retail would cost $498.00 for 20 pills. I need to take two a day so that would be $1,500 per month under my Medicare Part D plan 1500 x 3 months = $4,500. I was able to order 180 tablets which covers me for 90 days. The cost was $378.63 which saved me $4,121.37. My experience was easy and I received my medication in 20 days.

Bill, NJ

This has been a life-saving service. I have to take Entresto for my heart. A 90-day supply costs over $1500 and without this,I could not afford it. Because of them, I have saved over $3000 and still am able to afford my medication. The service is excellent and the mail order is fast and very efficient. Everyone with this type of need should use them.

Richard, MO

My life has changed because I have been able to purchase my medication with you. If I had not connected with your resource my quality of life would have been severely impacted just due to my prescription costs. I am saving $6000 a year because of your help.

Phil, WA

I was so excited to be able to purchase my Glaucoma medication at a fraction of the cost that I would at my own pharmacy. I am retired and finding this low cost online method of purchasing has really lifted my spirits and helped my pocketbook! Thank you for your service!

Marilyn, NM

My prescription with my insurance would have cost me $300.00. I used this program, and my prescription cost $106.00!!! I saved $200.00!!!

Sue, AL

My heart is filled with extreme gratitude! This service has lifted so much anguish and stress that I once felt about paying such outrageous prices for my 2 asthma medications. The difference in pricing is unbelievable. My husband and I can't thank you enough for this money saving opportunity/service! Not only that, but exceptional customer service~always professional, helpful and friendly!

Petra, LA

If I had not had the connection with you, we would be paying over $6500 a year in ONE prescription for his condition. This is such a significant quality of life issue. With my husband on a fixed retirement issue, this is a significant life and financial impact. We are so thankful for this relationship and life changing event. Thank you.

Maria, WA

Thank you so much, I am able to save 50% on my brand name medicine every month.

Luz, IL

Love the pharmacy delivery and prices.

Brenda, NC

I was amazed at how much you saved me the very first order. Let's just say it was at least 60% on the inhalers I use and even more on the meds for RA. I will continue to use this service. It's totally amazing.

Rick, AZ

I save around $145 a month on 1 of my prescriptions.

Bette, GA